Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Bar Tour update
#39 3/27/07- Niko's, Lakewood OH
#38 3/26/07- Arturo's, North Olmsted OH
#37 3/24/07- Winking Lizard/ Fairlawn, Fairlawn OH
#36 3/23/07- Winking Lizard/ Independence, Independence OH
#35 3/19/07- Mr. Gee's, Bedford OH
#34 3/17/07- Around the Corner, Lakewood OH
#33 3/16/07- Melt, Lakewood OH
#32 3/16/07- Crazy Rita's. Lakewood OH
#31 3/16/07- Moriarty's Pub, Cleveland OH
#30 3/14/07- Merry Arts Pub, Lakewood OH
#29 3/14/07- Bobby O's, Lakewood OH
#28 3/10/07- Don Pablo's, Brooklyn OH
#27 3/9/07- Mullen's, Lakewood, OH
#26 3/9/07- The Patio Bar, Lakewood, OH
#25 3/9/07- The Old Stand, Lakewood OH
#24 3/9/07- Mars Bar, Lakewood OH
#23 3/9/07- Machu Picchu, Cleveland OH
#22 3/2/07- Cleat's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#21 3/2/07- A.J. Rocco's, Cleveland OH
#20 2/24/07- Three Legged Dogg, Parma Heights, OH
#19 2/23/07- O'Donnell's Pub, Lakewood OH
#18 2/23/07- Highland Square Tavern, Cleveland OH
#17 2/23/07- Mr. Bill's, Cleveland OH
#16 2/23/07- Panini's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#15 2/22/07- Great Lakes Brewery, Cleveland OH
#14 2/22/07- Market Ave. Wine Bar, Cleveland OH
#13 2/16/07- RJ's West, Green OH
#12 2/16/07- Legends, Green OH
#11 2/16/07- Casey's, Lakewood OH
#10 2/11/07- Rocky River Brewing Company, Rocky River OH
#9 2/11/07- Pacers, Lakewood OH
#8 2/10/07- Put-in-Bay Lakewood, Lakewood OH
#7 2/10/07- Kenilworth Tavern, Lakewood OH
#6 2/10/07- The Club House Grille, Westlake OH
#5 1/17/07- Eleven Hundred Club, Broadview Heights OH
#4: 1/4/07- Cleveland Improv, Cleveland OH
#3: 1/4/07- Rockbottom Brewery, Cleveland OH
#2: 1/4/07-Ontario Cafe & Lounge, Cleveland OH
#1: 1/1/07- Birchwood Party Center, Walton Hills OH
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Monday, March 26, 2007
24 Qualities That Geniuses Have in Common
24 Qualities That Geniuses Have in Common
The worlds greatest geniuses have all had 24 personality characteristics in common and you can develop the same traits yourself, says an expert.
"Most people have the mistaken idea that geniuses are born, not made", declared clinical psychologist Dr. Alfred Barrious, founder and director of the Self-Programmed Control Center of Los Angeles and author of the book, Towards Greater Freedom and Happiness.
"But if you look at the lives of the worlds greatest geniuses like Edison, Socrates, DaVinci, Shakespeare, Einstein, you will discover they all had 24 personality characteristics in common.
"These are traits that anyone can develop. It makes no difference how old you are, how much education you have, or what you have accomplished to date. Adopting these personality characteristics enables you to operate on a genius level."
Here are the Characteristics Dr. Barrios lists, which enable geniuses to come up with and develop new and fruitful ideas:
- DRIVE. Geniuses have a strong desire to work hard and long. They're willing to give all they've got to a project. Develop your drive by focusing on your future success, and keep going.
- COURAGE. It takes courage to do things others consider impossible. Stop worrying about what people will think if you're different.
- DEVOTION TO GOALS. Geniuses know what they want and go after it. Get control of your life and schedule. Have something specific to accomplish each day.
- KNOWLEDGE. Geniuses continually accumulate information. Never go to sleep at night without having learned at least one new thing each day. Read. And question people who know.
- HONESTY. Geniuses are frank, forthright and honest. Take the responsibility for thins that go wrong. Be willing to admit, 'I goofed' and learned from my mistakes.
- OPTIMISM. Geniuses never doubt they will succeed. Deliberately focus your mind on something good coming up.
- ABILITY TO JUDGE. Try to understand the facts of a situation before you judge. Evaluate things on an opened minded, unprejudiced basis and be willing to change your mind.
- ENTHUSIASM. Geniuses are so excited about what they are doing, it encourages others to cooperate with them. Really believe that things will out well. Don't hold back.
- WILLINGNESS TO TAKE CHANcES. Overcome your fear of failure. You won't be afraid to take chances once you realize you can learn from your mistakes.
- DYNAMIC ENERGY. Don't sit on your butt waiting for something good to happen. Be determined to make it happen.
- ENTERPRISE. Geniuses are opportunity seekers. Be willing to take on jobs others won't touch. Never be afraid to try the unknown.
- PERSUASION. Geniuses know how to motivate people to help them get ahead. You'll find it easy to be persuasive if you believe in what you're doing.
- OUTGOINGNESS. I've found geniuses able to make friends easily and be easy on their friends. Be a 'booster' not somebody who puts others down. That attitude will win you many valuable friends.
- ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE. Geniuses are generally able to get their ideas across to others. Take every opportunity to explain your ideas to others.
- PATIENCE. Be patient with others most of the time, but always be impatient with your self. Expect far more of yourself than others.
- PERCEPTION. Geniuses have their mental radar working full time. Think more of others' needs and wants than you do your own.
- PERFECTIONISM. Geniuses cannot tolerate mediocrity, particularly in themselves. Never be easily satisfied with your self. Always strive to do better.
- SENSE OF HUMOR. Be willing to laugh at your own expense. Don't take offense when the joke is on you.
- VERSATILITY. The more things you learn to accomplish, the more confidence you will develop. Don't shy away from new endeavors.
- ADAPTABILITY. Being flexible enables you to adapt to changing circumstances readily. Resist doing things the same old way. Be willing to consider new options.
- CURIOSITY. An inquisitive, curious mind will help you seek out new information. Don't be afraid to admit you don't know it all. Always ask questions about things you don't understand.
- INDIVIDUALISM. Do things the way you think they should be done, without fearing somebody's disapproval.
- IDEALISM. Keep your feet on the ground — but have your head in the clouds. Strive to achieve great things, not just for yourself but for the better of mankind.
- IMAGINATION. Geniuses know how to think in new combinations, see things from a different perspective, than anyone else. Unclutter your mental environment to develop this type of imagination. Give yourself time each day to daydream, to fantasize, to drift into a dreamy inner life the way you did as a child.
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Bar Tour Update March-25
#37 3/24/07- Winking Lizard/ Fairlawn, Fairlawn OH
#36 3/23/07- Winking Lizard/ Independence, Independence OH
#35 3/19/07- Mr. Gee's, Bedford OH
#34 3/17/07- Around the Corner, Lakewood OH
#33 3/16/07- Melt, Lakewood OH
#32 3/16/07- Crazy Rita's. Lakewood OH
#31 3/16/07- Moriarty's Pub, Cleveland OH
#30 3/14/07- Merry Arts Pub, Lakewood OH
#29 3/14/07- Bobby O's, Lakewood OH
#28 3/10/07- Don Pablo's, Brooklyn OH
#27 3/9/07- Mullen's, Lakewood, OH
#26 3/9/07- The Patio Bar, Lakewood, OH
#25 3/9/07- The Old Stand, Lakewood OH
#24 3/9/07- Mars Bar, Lakewood OH
#23 3/9/07- Machu Picchu, Cleveland OH
#22 3/2/07- Cleat's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#21 3/2/07- A.J. Rocco's, Cleveland OH
#20 2/24/07- Three Legged Dogg, Parma Heights, OH
#19 2/23/07- O'Donnell's Pub, Lakewood OH
#18 2/23/07- Highland Square Tavern, Cleveland OH
#17 2/23/07- Mr. Bill's, Cleveland OH
#16 2/23/07- Panini's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#15 2/22/07- Great Lakes Brewery, Cleveland OH
#14 2/22/07- Market Ave. Wine Bar, Cleveland OH
#13 2/16/07- RJ's West, Green OH
#12 2/16/07- Legends, Green OH
#11 2/16/07- Casey's, Lakewood OH
#10 2/11/07- Rocky River Brewing Company, Rocky River OH
#9 2/11/07- Pacers, Lakewood OH
#8 2/10/07- Put-in-Bay Lakewood, Lakewood OH
#7 2/10/07- Kenilworth Tavern, Lakewood OH
#6 2/10/07- The Club House Grille, Westlake OH
#5 1/17/07- Eleven Hundred Club, Broadview Heights OH
#4: 1/4/07- Cleveland Improv, Cleveland OH
#3: 1/4/07- Rockbottom Brewery, Cleveland OH
#2: 1/4/07-Ontario Cafe & Lounge, Cleveland OH
#1: 1/1/07- Birchwood Party Center, Walton Hills OH
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Ron Lisy's MySpace page
Who I'd like to meet list
Current mood:
View at: http://www.myspace.com/rlisy
Just thought I'd point out the new feature I've added to my MySpace page. A Slide.com show of the folks I'd like to meet.
These are a combination of living persons who I may someday meet here on earth & historic figures whom I will only be able to meet in the hereafter.
The list currently includes...
Bill Bennett, Karl Rove, John Cleese, Michelle Malkin, Warren Buffett, Helen Chenoweth, Morton Blackwell, Sofia Vergara, Lee Atwater, H.L. Richardson, Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchhill, Gen. George Patton, Mel Brooks, P.J. O'Rourke, Richard Viguerie, Shirley Manson, Condi Rice, Nikki Cox, Barry Goldwater, John Wayne AND Anyone I can learn from. !!!!!!
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Bar Tour update
#35 3/19/07- Mr. Gee's, Bedford OH
#34 3/17/07- Around the Corner, Lakewood OH
#33 3/16/07- Melt, Lakewood OH
#32 3/16/07- Crazy Rita's. Lakewood OH
#31 3/16/07- Moriarty's Pub, Cleveland OH
#30 3/14/07- Merry Arts Pub, Lakewood OH
#29 3/14/07- Bobby O's, Lakewood OH
#28 3/10/07- Don Pablo's, Brooklyn OH
#27 3/9/07- Mullen's, Lakewood, OH
#26 3/9/07- The Patio Bar, Lakewood, OH
#25 3/9/07- The Old Stand, Lakewood OH
#24 3/9/07- Mars Bar, Lakewood OH
#23 3/9/07- Machu Picchu, Cleveland OH
#22 3/2/07- Cleat's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#21 3/2/07- A.J. Rocco's, Cleveland OH
#20 2/24/07- Three Legged Dogg, Parma Heights, OH
#19 2/23/07- O'Donnell's Pub, Lakewood OH
#18 2/23/07- Highland Square Tavern, Cleveland OH
#17 2/23/07- Mr. Bill's, Cleveland OH
#16 2/23/07- Panini's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#15 2/22/07- Great Lakes Brewery, Cleveland OH
#14 2/22/07- Market Ave. Wine Bar, Cleveland OH
#13 2/16/07- RJ's West, Green OH
#12 2/16/07- Legends, Green OH
#11 2/16/07- Casey's, Lakewood OH
#10 2/11/07- Rocky River Brewing Company, Rocky River OH
#9 2/11/07- Pacers, Lakewood OH
#8 2/10/07- Put-in-Bay Lakewood, Lakewood OH
#7 2/10/07- Kenilworth Tavern, Lakewood OH
#6 2/10/07- The Club House Grille, Westlake OH
#5 1/17/07- Eleven Hundred Club, Broadview Heights OH
#4: 1/4/07- Cleveland Improv, Cleveland OH
#3: 1/4/07- Rockbottom Brewery, Cleveland OH
#2: 1/4/07-Ontario Cafe & Lounge, Cleveland OH
#1: 1/1/07- Birchwood Party Center, Walton Hills OH
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Bar Tour: reached 34
#34 3/17/07- Around the Corner, Lakewood OH
#33 3/16/07- Melt, Lakewood OH
#32 3/16/07- Crazy Rita's. Lakewood OH
#31 3/16/07- Moriarty's Pub, Cleveland OH
#30 3/14/07- Merry Arts Pub, Lakewood OH
#29 3/14/07- Bobby O's, Lakewood OH
#28 3/10/07- Don Pablo's, Brooklyn OH
#27 3/9/07- Mullen's, Lakewood, OH
#26 3/9/07- The Patio Bar, Lakewood, OH
#25 3/9/07- The Old Stand, Lakewood OH
#24 3/9/07- Mars Bar, Lakewood OH
#23 3/9/07- Machu Picchu, Cleveland OH
#22 3/2/07- Cleat's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#21 3/2/07- A.J. Rocco's, Cleveland OH
#20 2/24/07- Three Legged Dogg, Parma Heights, OH
#19 2/23/07- O'Donnell's Pub, Lakewood OH
#18 2/23/07- Highland Square Tavern, Cleveland OH
#17 2/23/07- Mr. Bill's, Cleveland OH
#16 2/23/07- Panini's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#15 2/22/07- Great Lakes Brewery, Cleveland OH
#14 2/22/07- Market Ave. Wine Bar, Cleveland OH
#13 2/16/07- RJ's West, Green OH
#12 2/16/07- Legends, Green OH
#11 2/16/07- Casey's, Lakewood OH
#10 2/11/07- Rocky River Brewing Company, Rocky River OH
#9 2/11/07- Pacers, Lakewood OH
#8 2/10/07- Put-in-Bay Lakewood, Lakewood OH
#7 2/10/07- Kenilworth Tavern, Lakewood OH
#6 2/10/07- The Club House Grille, Westlake OH
#5 1/17/07- Eleven Hundred Club, Broadview Heights OH
#4: 1/4/07- Cleveland Improv, Cleveland OH
#3: 1/4/07- Rockbottom Brewery, Cleveland OH
#2: 1/4/07-Ontario Cafe & Lounge, Cleveland OH
#1: 1/1/07- Birchwood Party Center, Walton Hills OH
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Bar Tour Pre-St.Pat's Update
As of St. Patrick's Day morning here is where the bar tour stands.
Let me just add that I do not promise a WAVE of additions after 2night. I may very well find a confortable place to spend the eve...................
#33 3/16/07- Melt, Lakewood OH
#32 3/16/07- Crazy Rita's. Lakewood OH
#31 3/16/07- Moriarty's Pub, Cleveland OH
#30 3/14/07- Merry Arts Pub, Lakewood OH
#29 3/14/07- Bobby O's, Lakewood OH
#28 3/10/07- Don Pablo's, Brooklyn OH
#27 3/9/07- Mullen's, Lakewood, OH
#26 3/9/07- The Patio Bar, Lakewood, OH
#25 3/9/07- The Old Stand, Lakewood OH
#24 3/9/07- Mars Bar, Lakewood OH
#23 3/9/07- Machu Picchu, Cleveland OH
#22 3/2/07- Cleat's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#21 3/2/07- A.J. Rocco's, Cleveland OH
#20 2/24/07- Three Legged Dogg, Parma Heights, OH
#19 2/23/07- O'Donnell's Pub, Lakewood OH
#18 2/23/07- Highland Square Tavern, Cleveland OH
#17 2/23/07- Mr. Bill's, Cleveland OH
#16 2/23/07- Panini's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#15 2/22/07- Great Lakes Brewery, Cleveland OH
#14 2/22/07- Market Ave. Wine Bar, Cleveland OH
#13 2/16/07- RJ's West, Green OH
#12 2/16/07- Legends, Green OH
#11 2/16/07- Casey's, Lakewood OH
#10 2/11/07- Rocky River Brewing Company, Rocky River OH
#9 2/11/07- Pacers, Lakewood OH
#8 2/10/07- Put-in-Bay Lakewood, Lakewood OH
#7 2/10/07- Kenilworth Tavern, Lakewood OH
#6 2/10/07- The Club House Grille, Westlake OH
#5 1/17/07- Eleven Hundred Club, Broadview Heights OH
#4: 1/4/07- Cleveland Improv, Cleveland OH
#3: 1/4/07- Rockbottom Brewery, Cleveland OH
#2: 1/4/07-Ontario Cafe & Lounge, Cleveland OH
#1: 1/1/07- Birchwood Party Center, Walton Hills OH
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Bar Tour reaches 30!!
#30 3/14/07- Merry Arts Pub, Lakewood OH
#29 3/14/07- Bobby O's, Lakewood OH
#28 3/10/07- Don Pablo's, Brooklyn OH
#27 3/9/07- Mullen's, Lakewood, OH
#26 3/9/07- The Patio Bar, Lakewood, OH
#25 3/9/07- The Old Stand, Lakewood OH
#24 3/9/07- Mars Bar, Lakewood OH
#23 3/9/07- Machu Picchu, Cleveland OH
#22 3/2/07- Cleat's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#21 3/2/07- A.J. Rocco's, Cleveland OH
#20 2/24/07- Three Legged Dogg, Parma Heights, OH
#19 2/23/07- O'Donnell's Pub, Lakewood OH
#18 2/23/07- Highland Square Tavern, Cleveland OH
#17 2/23/07- Mr. Bill's, Cleveland OH
#16 2/23/07- Paninni's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#15 2/22/07- Great Lakes Brewery, Cleveland OH
#14 2/22/07- Market Ave. Wine Bar, Cleveland OH
#13 2/16/07- RJ's West, Green OH
#12 2/16/07- Legends, Green OH
#11 2/16/07- Casey's, Lakewood OH
#10 2/11/07- Rocky River Brewing Company, Rocky River OH
#9 2/11/07- Pacers, Lakewood OH
#8 2/10/07- Put-in-Bay Lakewood, Lakewood OH
#7 2/10/07- Kenilworth Tavern, Lakewood OH
#6 2/10/07- The Club House Grille, Westlake OH
#5 1/17/07- Eleven Hundred Club, Broadview Heights OH
#4: 1/4/07- Cleveland Improv, Cleveland OH
#3: 1/4/07- Rockbottom Brewery, Cleveland OH
#2: 1/4/07-Ontario Cafe & Lounge, Cleveland OH
#1: 1/1/07- Birchwood Party Center, Walton Hills OH
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Bar Tour @ 28
#28 3/10/07- Don Pablo's, Brooklyn OH
#27 3/9/07- Mullen's, Lakewood, OH
#26 3/9/07- The Patio Bar, Lakewood, OH
#25 3/9/07- The Old Stand, Lakewood OH
#24 3/9/07- Mars Bar, Lakewood OH
#23 3/9/07- Machu Picchu, Cleveland OH
#22 3/2/07- Cleat's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#21 3/2/07- A.J. Rocco's, Cleveland OH
#20 2/24/07- Three Legged Dogg, Parma Heights, OH
#19 2/23/07- O'Donnell's Pub, Lakewood OH
#18 2/23/07- Highland Square Tavern, Cleveland OH
#17 2/23/07- Mr. Bill's, Cleveland OH
#16 2/23/07- Paninni's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#15 2/22/07- Great Lakes Brewery, Cleveland OH
#14 2/22/07- Market Ave. Wine Bar, Cleveland OH
#13 2/16/07- RJ's West, Green OH
#12 2/16/07- Legends, Green OH
#11 2/16/07- Casey's, Lakewood OH
#10 2/11/07- Rocky River Brewing Company, Rocky River OH
#9 2/11/07- Pacers, Lakewood OH
#8 2/10/07- Put-in-Bay Lakewood, Lakewood OH
#7 2/10/07- Kenilworth Tavern, Lakewood OH
#6 2/10/07- The Club House Grille, Westlake OH
#5 1/17/07- Eleven Hundred Club, Broadview Heights OH
#4: 1/4/07- Cleveland Improv, Cleveland OH
#3: 1/4/07- Rockbottom Brewery, Cleveland OH
#2: 1/4/07-Ontario Cafe & Lounge, Cleveland OH
#1: 1/1/07- Birchwood Party Center, Walton Hills OH
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Bar Tour Update
#27 3/9/07- Mullen's, Lakewood, OH
#26 3/9/07- The Patio Bar, Lakewood, OH
#25 3/9/07- The Old Stand, Lakewood OH
#24 3/9/07- Mars Bar, Lakewood OH
#23 3/9/07- Machu Picchu, Cleveland OH
#22 3/2/07- Cleat's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#21 3/2/07- A.J. Rocco's, Cleveland OH
#20 2/24/07- Three Legged Dogg, Parma Heights, OH
#19 2/23/07- O'Donnell's Pub, Lakewood OH
#18 2/23/07- Highland Square Tavern, Cleveland OH
#17 2/23/07- Mr. Bill's, Cleveland OH
#16 2/23/07- Paninni's Gateway, Cleveland OH
#15 2/22/07- Great Lakes Brewery, Cleveland OH
#14 2/22/07- Market Ave. Wine Bar, Cleveland OH
#13 2/16/07- RJ's West, Green OH
#12 2/16/07- Legends, Green OH
#11 2/16/07- Casey's, Lakewood OH
#10 2/11/07- Rocky River Brewing Company, Rocky River OH
#9 2/11/07- Pacers, Lakewood OH
#8 2/10/07- Put-in-Bay Lakewood, Lakewood OH
#7 2/10/07- Kenilworth Tavern, Lakewood OH
#6 2/10/07- The Club House Grille, Westlake OH
#5 1/17/07- Eleven Hundred Club, Broadview Heights OH
#4: 1/4/07- Cleveland Improv, Cleveland OH
#3: 1/4/07- Rockbottom Brewery, Cleveland OH
#2: 1/4/07-Ontario Cafe & Lounge, Cleveland OH
#1: 1/1/07- Birchwood Party Center, Walton Hills OH
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